Thursday 8 December 2016

Religion School News

During November, Ruach invited adult members of the congregation to come into class and share their memories with the students, as part of a History Project. 

We had a fantastic morning with our guests, and the session turned out to be both informative and fun for the students and for staff members, as well as an opportunity for Ruach and the regular congregants to get to know each other. Many thanks to Pearl, Jane, Jonathan and Bob for spending the morning with us. We hope that this will become a regular feature of the Ruach curriculum. 

Many thanks also to Jill Newton, who organised the SPS Book Sale, to coincide with Mitzvah Day. The Book Sale was for the beneļ¬t of Magen David Adom, the charity chosen by Ruach students as this term's tzedakah project. 

In December, we will be raising money again for Magen David Adom, and for Mini-Ruach, our parent and toddler group, during our Chanukah celebrations, with a cake sale and a toy sale on December 17th. We would like to welcome all children in the community to these Chanukah celebrations, so please do let Shelley know if you want to bring your child along: 

Meanwhile, our parent and toddler group, Mini-Ruach, has started up again, with regular weekly sessions, after a break during the High Holy Days, when the Hall was unavailable. Mini-Ruach is for babies and children under 5, accompanied by an adult, and is open to both members and to non-members.

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